Song Of The Day!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

2nd Encourage of reminder :)

Hi Readers.

I feel that today this post of mine is like a 2nd Encourage of reminder. :)
And I hopes u get Blessed by it.
Here it go....

Sometimes we may feel discourage, disapointed, lost, confused, troubled?
Sometimes we may think that why is this world so unfair?
Sometimes we may face some problem at work, sch, family, friends?
Sometimes we may think of giving up?
But RMB our Daddy God is still good to us.
He didnt forget single one of us here.
And He wont give up on us.
And so don't give up, only believe.
RMB he will give us Joy.
And His love will never ending.
He is Faithful.
Lets not EMO.
Lets have the (+ve) mindset and not the (-ve) mindset.
And stop EMO-ing.
Don't be emotional.
RMB these No matter are we in the Good or in the Bad Conditions.
He is always there to be with us all the times.
Lets not let our heart be troubled.
And I rmbed Melvin shared with us about we needs to forget past hurt.
Lets throw all the unhappiness away.
And lets keeps all the joy we have.
Lets RMB how Good God have been to us.
And lets RMB to Watch and Pray.


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